Lobby 99
Lobby 99 is a non-profit organization that works to promote the interests of the general public by placing lobbyists on behalf of the public and not on behalf of corporations. Lobby 99 has about 10,000 members who donates money on a monthly basis.
The product is a suggestion for a mobile app which presents the user with information regarding economic-social issues that Lobby 99 deals with in a way that is tailored to the user personally. The target audience consists of both paying members and the general public.
The product is intended to convey reliable, clear, up-to-date and accessible information for the general public about what is happening in the Knesset committees and the activities of Lobby 99. 

The app was made as part of a product design jam course in Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design & Hebrew University, 2023.

Project partners: Emily Breslav and Leeyam Greenberg
The app allows members of Lobby 99 can easily change and update the content:
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